Let’s Sew Something

Let’s Sew Something

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Sewing by hand goes back to the 14th century. I remember learning how to do a simple stitch as a little girl. It came in handy growing up on a tight budget. I could sew buttons back on, hem pant legs, sew up ripped linings in coats and fix simple tares. It came in very useful when my pants ripped at work. I was able to mend them enough to get through the rest of the day. The 1800’s brought about the sewing machine. I do remember having a sewing machine growing up and trying to use it but with very little success.

Now as a women in her twenties living on a tight budget I thought investing in a sewing machine would be a benefit. I have clothes that are 1-2 sizes too big from losing weight, some that need simple repairs and the thrift store is loaded with nice clothes that just need a little altering.


I went to Walmart and bought a Brother sewing machine model number JX2517 for $79.99. I am sure that just mending and taking in the clothes I already have this week pay off in no time. It came with a DVD of his to set up the machine including threading it. I watched the DVD and read the instructions on how to do the upper thread and the lower thread and in no time I was ready to sew.

While practicing my sewing I have made a few little projects.

Cloth pads (see my blog on the benefits of cloth pads vs disposable)







I also made cloth makeup removing pads that I have soaking in a mixture of water, coconut oil and baby shampoo.




I also have plans to make girl boxer shorts, a skirt, cushions for our uncomfortable wooden kitchen chairs and a cozy scarf at some point in the near future.

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